I'm not.I think it is too cold nowadays in these bleusy october-days.
And someone has lost his sunglasses... A giant, uh?
And here are the sunglasses again. Are they made for a giant?... No, of course, it is a sculpture, and the artist is Patrick Oppliger. Read more HERE
(The beachphoto is from Åhus, on the southeast coast of Sweden.)

It is a "Vanda", and not the easiest orchid to grow in your home.
Fact is, you must have a special greenhouse to cultivate these kinds of orchids, or live in the tropics, where they come from.
I took the photo, for some years ago, when I was visiting an exhibition of orchids.
But HERE is an easier orchid to cultivate in your home.

Then I will give my regards to every happy bluesy people, who had written such nice comments on my Blue Monday-posts. Many thank's from me!
Have a nice BLUES of this monday too, and a great week to look forward to!
To see more
15 kommentarer:
How pretty. Love the sunglasses. I thought you had just put up a pair, but how neat it is a sculpture. Thanks for sharing
Läckert garn i schalen...min mamma stickar strumpor i ngt liknande men jag har aldrig tänkt så långt som till att virka i det...den blir nog fin, scalen alltså.
Hej Anna!
Kom till mig - du har nåt att hämta där :o)
My Precious Home
Wonderful colors in that shawl and those blue orchids are so gorgeous!
I love that sculpture! Happy Blue Monday, Anna.
Your blues today are terrific. Love the yarn and the sunglasses. Where is the friendly giant?
Have a wonderful week. I enjoyed your post very much.
Hugs, Jeanne
The blues you selected to share with us today are wonderful. The sculpture really made me smile. I hope you are having a wonderful Blue Monday.
As always, enjoyed your blues for today. I have seen a lot of sculptures, but never sun glasses. Good luck on the shawl.
Säger som många andra, vilken härlig skulptur!!
Blått är verkligen flott.
Ha det gott och grattis förresten.
Fin tolkning på blå-temat!
Må gott! /Bea
i love the beach, makes me wanna join those poeple sun bathing.
TACK för din kommentar!
Jag förstår verkligen att du tänker vaccinera dig, det borde jag också göra, med tanke på att mitt immunförsvar är så dåligt...men måste man inte vara FRISK när man får sprutan..? Då kan jag ju INTE ta den alls...
KRAM, Jenny
Yep! It's the same! Thanks for the visit.
THANK'S for all nice comments! I wish everybody a GREAT week!/
TACK för alla avtryck! Trevlig vecka på er!
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