...blue skies down by the blue sea of the southern east parts of Sweden - Österlen.
My heart belongs to the blue wild good smelling sweet violet and her cultivated cousins - the pansies...
...together with other blue swedish springflowers as the blue grapehyacinth, 'Brunnera macrophylla', glory-of-the-snow, blue 'Anemone blanda', and 'Puschkinia scilloides'.
And of course...
...my moodboard of April with springflowers from our...
...garden are not only these blue ones and other blue as blue-eyed-Mary, Suffolk Lungwort and 'Anemone hepatica'. I have also picked some others in other colours as for example 'Helleborus', in different colours, 'Corydalis' , 'Primula', a daffodil, a daisy and a wood anemone(yes, they are growing wild in our garden!).
Such a lovely blues to pick some springflowers to a small bouquet...
...here seen from different views.

Best wishes,
6 kommentarer:
That is so very blue-tiful!
Thanks for playing.
Happy Blue Monday, AnnA.
Gorgeous flowers. I played too. Mine are here and here.
Happy Blue Monday to you!
Beautiful blue skies and flowers in Sweden are a wonderful blue Monday.
Helt underbara bilder och collage av blommor! Just Helleborus har jag inte tidigare varit så förtjust i, men nu ska jag skaffa MÅNGA!!
Så ljuvligt, bedårande vackert! Den lilla zink-kannan som står på bordet är så underbart söt med alla blommor i. Det var fint att blanda i några julrosor i buketten!/ Kram Titti
What beautiful arrangements
Love the heart shaped stone. Blessings, Debbie
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